Those who achieve the greatest results have URGENCY.

When someone’s WHY is big enough, the HOW takes care of itself

So proud of Randle’s achievements during his 12 week programme, such as...

- 11.3kg / 25lbs down (started at 105.1kg / 16 st 8 lbs)

- 6 inches off his body (mainly waist and chest) and fantastic to fit into his old clothes

- Knocking almost 8 minutes off his 5km run time (down from 33 mins), and being fitter than he was even when he was a bit lighter

- Positive mindset shifts which helped reduce his stress levels, enabling Randle to start each day with a clear set of values and priorities.

- Feeling better equipped to stay on the right path in the future, avoiding previous yo-yo situations which were very depressing, losing the weight only to put it back on again, and more so!

As Randle said...

“Having never had coaching before, I was surprised how much I got from the programme.

The multi-faceted approach works really well as stress, relationships, health, effectiveness at work, etc. are interrelated.

I looked into coaching from a point of desperation. It would certainly have been better to this before hitting that point, less damage to fix!

I liked the gradual approach, building in small tweaks over the 12 weeks that are manageable…

but by the end cumulate into very significant changes”.

Randle, UK (Transformation Client)

“I’ve done a chunk of exercise so I can go smash a massive pizza” wasn’t getting me very far...

...but this has changed my life for the better...

Ash gave himself a C minus before we started working together.

Almost a stone overweight, struggling with motivation to be organised and not bringing his A game as often as he would have liked.


It was all too easy for his health and fitness goals to get bounced for other important things as a busy parent and business owner.

Weeks would go by where he would miss training sessions and his eating habits would slip...

...he was good at convincing himself he’d catch up...but he never did.

So not being happy with how he felt and how he looked, he realised it was time to get a grip.

Because being a professional, walking his brand and showing up at his best was important. 

In the past, he’d tried a lot of running, had cut his portion sizes and avoided alcohol for periods of time.

The result?

Dropping weight but the “wrong type of weight”, leaving him looking skinny up top and drained of energy and motivation.

Ash wanted to overhaul his physique and build confidence in his training because to look strong, he had to be strong.

So we worked on:

> Simply setting foot in the gym a few times a week and steadily building his weight training skills as he saw his progress, confidence and success take off.

> Figuring out a way of eating and drinking which worked for his busy schedule and business travel, covering the basics well and setting him up with sustainable, performance boosting habits.

> Debunking his “busy” myth by focusing on his priorities and attacking his schedule so important things, like time for himself, were a constant feature.

The result?

Dropping 12cm from his waist and adding an inch to his arms WITHOUT his bodyweight dropping through the floor like it would have with his old way of doing things.

Of course, there was a physical transformation, but bigger shifts happened which he didn’t expect from “just” an online coaching programme...

✅ He now feels at home in uncomfortable situations, like the gym.

⚡ He’s learnt how to fine tune his motivation so he can keep pushing himself to get stronger, fitter and protect himself from pain as he tiptoes towards his 50s.

🔥 His wife is really impressed with where he’s got to as well...

Catch more snippets from his story in the video above…

Ash, UK (Transformation Client)

“I’m STRONGER, leaner and WAY LESS STRESSED physically and mentally” - Ed’s Transformation Story

Ed was a great example of a guy who was always stressed plus time and energy poor.

But with the right level of accountability, urgency and support, we hope you agree his results were incredible.

Before we started, Ed wanted to:

> Develop more strength, build more muscle (he was already pretty strong!) and lean down to be in great shape before he fit 40,

> Be fitter, improve his flexibility and be less injury prone, and

> Get better at handling stress

So proud of what he achieved in such a short space of time, proving that a guy who is a business owner, husband and parent can significantly improve himself physically and mentally

Here are some progress markers and thoughts from the man himself...

An initial 4kg / 9lbs body mass increase phase before finally dropping 1.8kg / 4lbs overall
(the before and after photos look like much more than a 4lb drop to us!)

Trouser size down 2 inches and an inch added to his chest and arms

> Creating a new regular training habit (2 to 4 times a week depending on schedule) so that he could improve his strength to weight ratio and notch up his sports performance

> Getting a much better feel for his nutrition needs and knowledge to build his strength, stay leaner, improve fitness, fuel day to day activities (especially when doing physical work activities at 2am!) and create sustainable habits to support all aspects of his life, whether at home or on the road

And all of this whilst at the same time: -

- Running his own business, coaching & playing hockey and supporting his wife and two kids

- Having to work a number of heavy physical loading shifts at crazy times of the day (many after midnight)

- Spending a chunk of time driving between business locations, sat on his ar*e not doing anything

In Ed’s own words:

Q: What were your biggest challenges inside the programme?

“Time to get things done with workouts and food. Not to put things off but to commit and set aside time to achieve my goals. Not to push myself too hard and injure myself.”

Q: What were the 3 biggest things you learnt?

“Discipline, especially with regular goal setting and doing what I’ve set out to achieve. Being a bit of a procrastinator, having realistic goal setting and time management really helped me achieve the weight gain then loss in the two 12-week programmes.

When Ben helped me initially set the programme targets, I didn’t think it was possible but with a good diet and the right exercises it was easily achievable, even when work commitments got in the way.

I learnt that recording my food & drink plus the training I was doing meant that I could easily see the progress I’d made week after week. It’s simple and easy but without it I wouldn’t have achieved the results. I can also look back and duplicate the programme to improve even further, without Ben’s help, as his programme means I’m self-sufficient and that’s so important for the future.

A lot of it is willpower and how much do you want to change. I’m very competitive and want to be the best I can be. There were times one could take the easy way out or knuckle down and get the job done. Setting targets each week is a great motivator!

And if I could have a fourth thing, it would be understanding that strength is so important to me.”

Q: How do you feel now that you’ve finished your coaching and what’s next?

“I feel great that I have a strong platform that I can build upon. The knowledge/strength and understanding of my body is what I’ve gained over the past 24 weeks. The understanding of keeping a workout diary and food diary, so that these things can be measured and therefore an improvement can be seen.

I enjoy the foods I eat now and have a better understanding of what my body needs to fuel my active lifestyle.

Less stressed with the kids and certainly more enjoyable to play with them now.

I feel I can easily carry on the work we’ve started, my goal now is to maintain my physique with 2 hard workouts a week.”

Q: What would you say to someone thinking of working with Ben?

“Do it. Sign up now!

Really enjoyable, you will learn a lot about health, fitness and most of all yourself. The programme can suit any person of any ability. Also, it doesn’t stop when the coaching stops. It’s designed for you to go it alone and carry on achieving the results you want. That is what makes it so good.

I’ve discussed what I’ve done with Ben to many of my friends as they are in the same boat as me. All wanting to lose a bit of weight, gain strength and be happier in themselves. It’s a fantastic programme to be part of, something I will carry on with and am doing so far.

Finally, Ben is such a nice, positive person who just wants to help people who want to help themselves.”

Ed, UK (Transformation Client)


Nathan was incredible across two phases of 12 weeks, with highlights including...

- 17.7kg / 39lbs down (started at 97kg / 15 st 4 lbs)

- 17cm off his waist, feeling physically and mentally stronger whilst regaining his confidence again

- Completely overhauling his knowledge and application of nutrition strategies, moving away from an ‘all or nothing’ approach....and yes, still drinking and enjoying beer every week

- Performing better on his road bike than he has in years and enjoying it more than ever

- Redesigning his habits and decisions around fitness, eating, drinking, family, work and relationships

- Realigning his behaviours to better serve his refreshed purpose and goals

- A great set of before and after photos to inspire himself and others to keep taking action

- Feeling like he’s unstoppable and can achieve anything with the tools and strategies he’s been learning and practising

As Nathan said...

“I feel my biggest challenge now is to put the same level of focus and energy into my family as I have given myself these past 6 months.

Difference now is I feel I’ve got my sh*t together and actually have positive energy to share with them”.

Nathan, UK (Transformation Client)


“Ben was instrumental in achieving my fitness goals.

His encouragement, support and honesty provided the accountability I needed to reach the best shape of my life.

Ben is friendly and professional but don’t let that disguise his commitment and desire to push you to reach your goals.

He was able to help me bring a level of intensity to my workouts which I had not had before. Yes they were challenging but immensely rewarding & without which I don’t believe I would have succeeded.

The straight talking and honest approach Ben brings is a breath of fresh air and I think separates him from other coaches. It’s immediately obvious Ben has a wealth of real life experience and knows how to get the best out of you.

If you want to make real sustainable change, you should look no further than Ben”

Brendan, UK (Transformation Client)

Andy side photos

Slightly different focus and result in what Andy wanted to achieve but honestly, I’m so proud of the leaps he made

...and will continue to make...over the coming months and years

Here are some progress markers and thoughts from the man himself...

> 2.5kg / 6lbs bodyweight drop

> 6cm / 2.5 inches off his waist

> Consistently training 3 to 5 times a week and in a variety of ways having struggled with this before

> Increasing his daily activity from 3,000 steps to an average of 11,000 and creating the time to do this with his partner and dog (it turns out everyone was benefiting by the end)

> Learning how to manage his food intake,

reducing his snacking because he wanted to or didn’t feel the urge,

getting to grips with his protein intake (to support his training and appetite plus his protein milkshakes were delicious),

always hitting his hydration goals and improving his knowledge of nutrition exponentially

> Realisation that actually, although he thought it at the start, weight loss wasn’t what he really wanted once he hit 86kg / 13 st 8 lbs (healthy range BMI)

And all of this whilst at the same time: -

- Starting an MBA (having not done something like that before)

- Juggling the fun and games of selling of his house

- Busy work schedule as a Banker plus taking on a new team based in another country

- Dealing with two sessions of lockdown

In Andy’s own words:

Q: How did you feel before the programme?

“I had lost my motivation for exercise and slipped into bad habits around my diet. Working from home during lockdown had become hard work and I lacked discipline and energy to turn things around.

Despite my poor diet, eating too many sweet things, I was fortunate enough not to have put on too much weight but I was not comfortable with the way I felt or looked.”

Q: How do you feel now that you’ve finished your 12 weeks?

“Ben really helped me turn around how I was thinking and feeling about myself. We started by making a few realistic changes each week, set daily goals around fitness and nutrition which quickly gave me more energy.

That enabled me to get back to enjoying my exercise. Each week we made little tweaks which made a big impact on the way I was feeling.

My knowledge around hydration and nutrition have increased significantly and helped me identify the fact that I am in fact Gluten intolerant.

Whilst I initially started with weight loss and fitness goals, these actually become secondary things for me as we worked on changing my mindset.

I became more positive and able to cope with all the pressures of work and home life.”

Q: What were your biggest challenges inside the programme?

“Main challenge for me was around my mindset and becoming distracted by everything else that was going on in my life.”

Q: How did you overcome them?

“Accountability has always been a big thing for me so having clear targets and goals each week helped provide the focus I needed to stay on track.

Ben supported me by recognising when I was struggling and encouraging / adapting the focus of my weekly calls.”

Q: What would you say to someone thinking of working with Ben?

“I would highly recommend coaching with Ben to anyone wanting to make a change in their life.

Ben is clearly very knowledgeable and passionate about fitness, nutrition and a healthy mindset but the programme is much more than that given the level of support and focus he provides.”

Andy, UK (Transformation Client)

Busy exec beats 15 year PB for fun
Progress chart

David had run the Great South Run 10 miler every year since 2005 as a way to keep fit and raise money for charity.

But he wanted to set a new Personal Best

Aiming to beat his original time of 1 hour 20 minutes when he first did the run......15 years ago

So we started working together through weekly coaching calls

Setting realistic weekly goals around training and lifestyle tweaks

Raising awareness of food & drink plus mindset / psychology / behaviour change

We made sure the progress kept coming and the achievements would stick around for the long term. Forever

And what a result:

> Beating his PB by almost 4 minutes,

> Shedding 12kg in 13 weeks,

> Completely changing his relationship with food,

> Improving his outlook in everyday life, and

> Increasing his energy (all his words, not mine).

It was great working with David over 3 months...let's see where he goes next!!

David, UK (Transformation Client)

Sam progress chart

Sam had A LOT to juggle during his 12 week coaching programme but achieved life changing results

I’ll let the results and Sam speak for themselves...

> 12.1kg / 27lbs bodyweight drop

> 18cm / 7 inches off his waist

> Wants to carry on with his own health and fitness mission plus keep getting fitter and stronger as he learns Krav Maga. He’s already reached his first target of 86kg

> Now more clearly understands his values, who he aspires to be and how to unlock his beliefs and assumptions to achieve even more in the future

> Thought he would realistically drop 6kg / 13lbs but actually dropped twice that much and in a manageable way

During Sam’s 12 weeks, he and his family also had to deal with: -

- Lockdown 2.0,

- No football training or matches (something he loves, always been his “go to” for fitness),

- A covid positive test and isolation around Christmas for his wife,

- Nursery closures for his son,

- Hectic work schedule and of course

- Lockdown 3.0

Sam side profile photos

In Sam’s own words:

Q: How did you feel before the programme?

“In my early 30s and working in banking, I was unhappy with how I’d let my body get.

It was holding me back from doing things I enjoyed and was not how I’d ever been before.”

Q: How do you feel now that you’ve finished your 12 weeks?

“Very positive. Confident I can maintain this progress and carry it forward without falling back into the same traps.”

Q: What were your biggest challenges inside the programme?

“Fitting in the time around work / life balance and changing my eating habits, although easier than expected.”

Q: How did you overcome them?

“Targets and goals helped but having people supporting and keeping me accountable was key.”

Q: What would you say to someone thinking of working with Ben?

“Invest in yourself. Do it sooner rather than later.

It isn't anything drastic but lots of small stepping stones with great guidance. It makes the whole experience enjoyable and simple to carry on with.”


Sam, UK (Transformation Client)

Before and after photos

My struggles all came to a head on Monday 1st April 2019. I felt like a fool (pun intended).

The previous 15 months in my new job at an Asian bank in the City of London had caught up with me. It was raining (of course).

But as I sat down on my side of the bed slowly getting ready for work that Monday, the tears started.

I couldn’t go on. And my wife, Jenna, knew it too.

Stress is a word we use a lot, but for me it was being overwhelmed at work.

Feeling the pressure of constant and stretching targets within an intense team environment.

Low energy, low mood, low self-esteem.

Being so muddled in my thinking and priorities that I couldn’t get clear on what I should be doing. Feeling like there was no way out.

Family life was (and still is) always busy with two young children.

At best I was distracted and snappy. At worst, not great to be around.

Maybe it didn’t seem that bad at the time as I put my brave face on. But I honestly felt like I was failing at that as well. Which I was.

Being signed off by the doctor and starting group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy gave me some breathing space that April.

But it wasn’t for another few weeks until I realised that I only had work and family.

I wasn’t exercising that much. Not really. Apart from the walk to and from the tube station.

My food habits weren’t great and I was trying to dull my pain by overeating. Even though I knew what I should be doing. It wasn’t happening.

The only time I had to myself was on the commute to and from work. I discovered this during a therapy session. In front of everyone. It was embarrassing. But at least I knew.

Despite people’s efforts, the job continued to be untenable. So I resigned two months later. With nothing to go to.

We knew we would be ok over the summer so I jumped into a physical challenge event with some great friends.

We had 3 months to prepare for the Trailwalker. A 100km / 62 mile hike across the South Downs in under 30 hours, through the night (we did it in 26 hours).

That gave me some focus, accountability to other people, urgency to get cracking and got me moving at least.

Not wanting to waste my efforts, I chipped away at my eating habits. Nothing crazy. No special diets or anything.

Just cleaning things up, eating and drinking less overall but still enjoying what went in my mouth.

Despite looking for jobs in the City after the summer, I didn’t realise I was still healing and getting to know the old me again.

And in hindsight, my heart wasn’t really in the job search.

So I decided to make the best of it and having had great success that summer, rekindled my passion which I’d neglected for a few years.

Health - Fitness - Mindset

Fast forward to now, I’m doing something I love. And the dreaded Monday mornings are a thing of the past.

It also helps that I dropped 33kg over those intervening 13 months and am now the leanest I’ve been during my adult life.

I’m grateful to be able to pass on the experiences and knowledge I’ve gained over the past 8 years to other guys who find themselves in a similar situation to me on that rainy April morning (or feel like they’re on that slippery slope).

So maybe it’s time to ASK MORE of yourself - if you’re not enjoying your job, life, how you look and feel, your environment, your health & fitness, the constant negativity, whatever it is…

Questioning yourself MORE rather than blindly accepting THINGS AS THEY ARE is a powerful shift.

How could you possibly start to change that thing which is encouraging you to feel pain, and do something which serves you better?

What’s the worst that could happen?

You’re already suffering…

It doesn’t have to be in silence any longer.

On your side,


Ben Lawrence
Coach and Creator of The Deskbound Revolution™ & The DR5 Coaching System™
Coached By Ben Limited




Message me with any questions you have or book yourself in for a quick intro call by following the link above. No judgement. No obligation. Just a friendly conversation.
